
Seek first the kingdom of God,

and His righteousness

and all these things will be added unto you.

Matthew 6:33



I started Faithwrks to share with others my growing faith and all the things God was doing and showing me in my life. I want to engage with others who are on their faith journey to help build the kingdom of God on earth. Although I make mistakes and fall short, God is still faithful to keep me!

Through my writing I would like to encourage others and share God's word and how he is working in my life. 

I am striving to be a good servant and steward.

So join me on this faith journey, that at the end God will say, "Well done, my good and faithful servant".


The Joy of the Lord is my strength!                              I will never leave you, nor forsake you!                                            Trust in the Lord with all your heart! 


"Spring Is Upon Us"

The time for transformation is once again underway, the beauty of life coming alive refreshing renewing the metamorphosis. The weather is warmer, the days are brighter, and my heart is more cheerful and open to the whimsical folly of the days ahead.

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We Fall Short

--- It's amazing to me how God has to shake and jerk us out of situations that we know we had no business in from the jump. Sometimes, because of conditions that meet some want, we may have so deep inside we think it's a need, we adapt to people or circum...

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--- "Trust God's Timing" The reality of a situation, (once realized), will fool you into thinking it's the truth of your life but one situation is not your whole life; it is just that "a situation". How you handle that situation does have the capacity to...

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